2021 Summer Reflection

Somehow this summer went by in the blink of an eye. In a lot of ways I was expecting a slow, long summer since we didn’t have much going on, but it still seemed to fly by nonetheless. A year ago, I reflected on how hard, yet beautiful last summer was. You can read more…… Continue reading 2021 Summer Reflection

First Family Trip as 4: Palm Springs

This summer, we have been intentional about keeping it pretty low key since we basically still have a newborn baby (he is already almost 3 months!). While most of our summer days have looked like just hanging at home by the pool or watching dad surf at the beach, we did want to have a…… Continue reading First Family Trip as 4: Palm Springs

How I’m Feeling 8 Weeks Postpartum

Somehow it’s already been 8 weeks since baby Thatcher came into our lives. I wanted to press pause and take a little space on here to reflect on how I’m feeling at this 8 week mark. While I had not yet started this blog when I was 8 weeks postpartum with Hudson, I can tell…… Continue reading How I’m Feeling 8 Weeks Postpartum

Tot School: The Letter G

Last week, we wrapped up the letter G! Yet again, we did not get a chance to get to ALL the wonderful resources, but I still wanted to do a quick summary of the learning activities and books we did engage with! You can purchase this full week of Letter G Curriculum on my TpT…… Continue reading Tot School: The Letter G

Tot School: The Letter B

This post contains Amazon Affiliate links! All that means, is that if you make any purchases through the links, I earn a small commission. I put a lot of work and love into these posts and curriculum and I really appreciate your support! This week we learned all about the letter B! It was a…… Continue reading Tot School: The Letter B

Hudson’s 2nd Birthday Party: Trash Truck Theme

For Hudson’s 2nd birthday party, we celebrated just with family at our home.  Before the pandemic, I had grand plans of throwing him a party at an indoor soccer facility and inviting lots of people and planning lots of things.  Of course all of those plans in my head did not happen, but the result…… Continue reading Hudson’s 2nd Birthday Party: Trash Truck Theme

Week of Play: The Color Blue

This week we learned all about the color BLUE!  It was a week full of the ocean, Cookie Monster, and denim.  Blue is just one of those colors that bring a sense of peace.  For me, blue always brings me to the ocean, the sky, and the lovely outdoors.  While H is still a bit…… Continue reading Week of Play: The Color Blue

Week of Play: The Color Green

This week was all about the color GREEN!  It was a week full of frogs, slime, dinosaurs, and leaf hunts! Green is already becoming H’s favorite color. Most of the week he was shouting, “Green! Green! Green!”  It makes sense why he loves this color so much.  Most of his favorite things revolve around this…… Continue reading Week of Play: The Color Green