
Hi there! My name is Kelli Capel and I am so glad you have landed here.  Before you delve into exploring This Mama Needs Grace, I would love to share a few things about who I am.  First and foremost, I am a Christian.  I really hope that through my weekly reflections and personal lessons, you can see Jesus at work and allow more of His grace to enter and fill up your own life.  I also am a wife to Lance, who daily pushes me to be better, love deeper, and dream bigger.  I am so thankful to partner alongside him and do this life together.  We are parents to our sweet Hudson boy and our tennis ball-obsessed golden retriever, Nala.  Hudson has changed our life in the best possible way and I feel so humbled and honored to be his mother.  Before Hudson, I was a high school English teacher.  I taught for two years at Central City Value High School and I treasured that time and experience.  While things look quite different now then they did a year ago, I am soaking up this time where the pace is slower, my sleep is less, and my heart is fuller than ever.

Those are some of the main pieces of who I am, but here is just a few more.  I love coffee, sushi, running, yoga, hiking with my family, my beautiful hometown of Hermosa Beach, CA, and slow Saturdays at home.  I also love to write, read, and listen to good podcasts.  I love words, language, and storytelling.  For most of my life, I have been a consumer of good storytelling, but now as I am fully stepping into motherhood, I want to also put my own stories, struggles, and successes into words to share.

This Mama Needs Grace is my open diary to all of you to share my major shortcomings as as way to reveal the perfect grace of God.  I need grace daily.  Not just as a mama, but as a human being.  I hope that this blog can connect to mothers, but can also speak truth to those outside of motherhood.  This is just one mama that desperately needs grace, but the truth is we all need it.